Anger and Patience

These short but powerful teachings explain not only the causes of suffering and the negative side-affects of anger, but also offer a practical method to eliminate such destructive emotions and develop a more peaceful mind and heart.
A lecture given by Lama Michel, at the Uni Mail University of Geneve in 2013, shortly and practically explaining the deep causes of suffering and the negative side effects of anger. He explains a method in four steps:
- understanding how harmful anger is to us
- remembering the reasons why we should not become angry, applying the antidote to anger and familiarizing ourselves with patience.
- cutting anger by calming down or by trying to avoid it when it’s coming
- never justifying anger.
With these precious instructions we can help ourself to eliminate self destructive emotions and develop a peaceful heart.
- Author: Lama Michel Rinpoche
- Title: Anger and Patience
- First edition: Geneva 10 May 2013
- Second edition: October 2015
- Number of pages: 40
- Suggested donation: € 5,00
- Also available in: Italian