Self-Healing I – NgalSo

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Self-Healing I, for those who enjoy good health, is a protection and for those who suffer – it is a medicine.
This book also contains a biography of the author, testimonies from some of his friends who have benefited from his advice on healing and the practice of Self-Healing I, which uses the blessings of the Supreme Healer Buddha Shakyamuni through the recitation of his mantra of self-healing and spiritual company OM MUNI MUNI MAHA MUNI SHAKYAMUNYE SOHA.
- Author: T.Y.S. Lama Gangchen
- Title: Self-Healing I – NgalSo – How to relax body, speech and mind. Advice from a Tibetan Lama Healer
- Original title: Autocura I, proposta de um mestre tibetano – 1991 Editora Sherab, San Paolo (Brasile)
- First edition English: October 1990
- Number of pages: 121
- Price: € 13,00
- Also available in: Italian, Portuguese and Dutch